Our news
The Yurydychna Gazeta, in collaboration with Pragma Consulting Group and the GR Committee of the Ukrainian Bar Association, is conducting a survey among legal (consulting) firms and businesses.
We invite you to contribute to analyzing business-government relations and developing GR services in legal and consulting firms...
Our news
Representatives of Pragma Consulting Group attended a series of events in Davos and Zurich as part of discussions on the key insights and takeaways from the World Economic Forum 2025.
Representatives of Pragma Consulting Group attended a series of events organized by the European Business Association and Global...
Our news
From January 20 to 23, as part of World Economic Forum 2025 events, Ukraine House Davos 2025
Representatives of Pragma Consulting Group attended multiple panel discussions and events aimed at engaging international...
Our news
According to the results of the national ranking, Pragma’s partner Alyona Shulima has been included in the TOP 100 lawyers of Ukraine
According to the results of the national ranking, Pragma’s partner Alyona Shulima, Ph.D, has been included in the TOP 100...
Our news
Alyona Shulima participated in the annual meeting of GR specialists of the European Business Association
The event named “Transparency & Lobbying Gathering", held on December 11, brought together professionals in public...
Our news
Alyona Shulima and Olena Yaliieva participated in a visit to the sorting station of Altvater Kyiv LLC (Veolia Group)
This meeting took place as part of EBA members' familiarization with the practical operations of Veolia Group's sorting station...
Our news
Pragmaʼs Counsel Olena Yaliieva participated in the VI All-Ukrainian School on Advocacy and Lobbying named after Oleksii Borys
During her lecture on “Effective Lobbying Strategies in GR,” Olena outlined the key stages of developing and implementing a...
Our news
Alyona Shulima participated in Mining Day 2024, organized by the European Business Association
The event featured discussions on the EBA survey results, “Mining in Wartime and Prospects for Development,” the impact of...
Our news
Alyona Shulima, participated in a closed meeting with Denys Maslov, the Head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy
The meeting was focussed on the challenges Ukraine faces on its path to the EU in terms of legal reforms, the priorities...
Our news
Alyona Shulima and Olena Yaliieva actively participated in developing the UBA GR Committee's proposals
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the Code of Ethical Conduct for Lobbying Entities. The Code has been...
Our news
Olena Yaliieva, attended the forum conference “Implementation of the New Principle: Extended Producer Responsibility. Packaging”
During the forum, participants discussed the practical experience of applying this principle in individual communities...
Our news
Alyona Shulima attended the III Business & Legal Infrastructure Forum, organized by the publication "Yurydychna Praktyka".
In the third session of the forum, discussions centered on mechanisms for attracting private investors to rebuild...
Our news
Pragma Consulting Group and Alyona Shulima have been recognized by ULF the established practices in "Energy & Natural Resources Practice
We are deeply grateful for the recognition of Pragma Consulting Group in the latest edition of the Ukrainian Law Firms...
Our news
Natural Resources and Mining in 2023: Implementation of Adopted Reforms and New Challenges
A new overview, prepared by Alyona Shulima and Olena Yaliieva for a Handbook for Foreign Clients “Ukrainian Law Firms”.
Our news
Pragma Consulting Group has been acknowledged as one of the leaders in the practices according to the results of the “Market Leaders: Ranking of Ukrainian Law Firms 2024”
Pragma Consulting Group has been acknowledged as one of the leaders in the practices of "GR and Regulatory Activities"..
Our news
Alyona Shulima has participated in a series of events on the new climate policy held in Kyiv this June
Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s Partner, Ph.D., has participated in a series of events on the new climate policy held in Kyiv this June...
Our news
Alyona Shulima initiated the first GR Forum of the Ukrainian Bar Association.
Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s Partner, Ph.D., the Head of the GR Committee of the Ukrainian Bar Association, initiated...
Our news
Alyona Shulima and Olena Yaliieva visited the Europe Day Evening Reception
Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s Partner, Ph.D. and Olena Yaliieva, Pragma’s Counsel visited the Europe Day Evening Reception..
Our news
Alyona Shulima participated in a meeting of committee heads of the Ukrainian Bar Association
Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s Partner, Ph.D., the Head of the GR Committee of the Ukrainian Bar Association, participated in...
Our news
Olena Yaliieva provided an expert assessment of the draft Law of Ukraine "On the Basic Principles of State Climate Policy"
Pragma's counsel Olena Yaliieva provided an expert assessment during the second session “New Climate Policy of Ukraine”...
Our news
Alyona Shulima moderated the first two sessions of the II Forum on Ecology and Sustainable Development
Pragmaʼs partner, Ph.D., Alyona Shulima, moderated the first two sessions of the Forum: "Ukraine's 'Green' Transformation...
Our news
«Legal framework for lobbying: insights into recently adopted Law of Ukraine»
Join the on Thursday, March 21, for a practical webinar «Legal framework for lobbying: insights into recently adopted...
Our news
The Pragma's team participated in the IV Forum "Gender Equality-Inequality: Rethinking and Seeking Balance"
Alyona Shulima, Pragma's partner, also spoke in the second session of the Forum on the topic of "Personal Transformation...
Our news
“Real growth can only be built on basis of freedom of choice” - Alyona Shulima in an interview
Alyona Shulima, Pragma's partner, spoke with the Yurydychna Gazeta about new trends and insides in GR practice...
Our news
Alyona Shulima participated in the webinar "Anticipated Changes in Packaging Waste Management"
Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s partner, Ph.D., and an expert on the APENA 2 project, participated in the webinar "Anticipated...
Our news
Alyona Shulima will moderate the first session of the II Forum on Ecology and Sustainable Development
Partner of Pragma, Ph.D., Alyona Shulima will moderate the first session “Green transformation of Ukraine in the conditions...
Our news
Olena Yaliieva will take part in the second session of the II Forum on Ecology and Sustainable Development
Councel of Pragma Olena Yaliieva will take part in the second session “New Climate Policy of Ukraine” II Forum on Ecology...
Our news
Nataliia Hannytsia attended a business breakfast named "Business, Human Rights, and Accessibility"
The Executive Director of Pragma Consulting Group, Nataliia Hannytsia attended a business breakfast named...
Our news
Alyona Shulima took part in the International PRNext Forum
Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s Partner, Ph.D., took part in a discussion on "Business and State: Establishing a Civilized Balance...
Amendments to the National Program for the Development of the Mineral and Raw Materials Base until 2030 and other relevant CRM regulation
On December 18, 2024, the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Updating the National...
Some Innovations of the Law of Ukraine "On Public Consultations"
Ukraine continues to develop and implement initiatives aimed at ensuring transparency of influences on the...
Simplification of the conditions for carrying out economic activity during the period of application of martial law (emergency state)
the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 314 on March 18, 2022, which established the declarative...
Draft Law on the Bases of State Climate Policy
As a part of its efforts towards compliance with international obligations in climate sphere, Ukrainian government has...
Administrative liability for violation of the Law of Ukraine "On Lobbying"
Following the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine "On Lobbying" on March 14, 2024, the draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendment...
Law of Ukraine "On Lobbying"
On February 23, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine "On Lobbying". The law was signed by...
A new procedure for importing, accounting, and distributing humanitarian aid
On January 23, 2024, the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Import...
Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On State Support of Investment Projects with Significant Investments in Ukraine"
On August 9, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted draft law no. 8138 in the second reading and as a whole as a Law, aimed...
Strengthening Authorities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine
On August 9, 2023 the Parliament of Ukraine adopted draft law no. 5431, significantly amending the legislation...
Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment” were adopted
On July 13 the Parliament adopted draft law no. 8410, amending the law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment”...
Consumer Rights’ Protection: New Rules in Line with EU Directives
On June 10, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine “On Consumer Rights’ Protection”, which, after being...
Latest news in regulation in the field of subsoil use
On March 28, the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Improvement of...
The new procedure for the reservation of conscripts
On December 4, 2022, the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization" regarding the reservation of conscripts for...
New rules for selection of carrier for public bus lines
On January 3, 2023 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved Resolution no. 27 “On Amendments to the Procedure...
Current news in the transport sphere
In recent months, a number of initiatives in the transport sphere were submitted to the Parliament; some of them were even...
Comprehensive reform of the subsoil use regulation – draft law No. 4187 is ready for the second reading
On June 1, 2021, the draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the...
Announced changes to the Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Impact Assessment"
On August 26, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine published a draft...
Industrial Parks: Recent Amendments in Regulation
In 2012, in order to promote the development of industries in Ukraine (and especially in certain regions)...
Ukraine’s Relief and Recovery Plan: what to be changed in the field of subsoil use
At the end of April 2022, the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the War began its work, the purpose of...
Deregulation Plan: Passenger Carriages by Road Transport Regulation
On June 16, 2022, the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine published a draft Plan for Support of Business and Deregulation...
Planning Ukraine’s Post-War Recovery
Although the situation on the frontline is difficult and the war is not over, both Ukrainian officials and European partners...
Import of Goods under Martial Law
With the beginning of the war and introduction of the martial law in Ukraine, import of goods became complicated...